A Clinical Expert in Guiding Individuals and Communities To Resilience

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Office: (203)598-0552


Successful Re-structuring of your Behavioral Health Clinic Operations

This workshop will present the following objectives and participants will walk away with clear processes and strategies to implement change in their operations that will have long term and large scale impact.

Behavioral Health Clinic Operations Workshop

This workshop is focused on providing content that will deliver applications for you to create a more sustainable health practice in this challenging climate where resources are limited.


Module Breakdown of this Workshop

  • Module 1: Introduction.
    • Evaluating strengths and weakness of current operations.  Employee skillsets.  Daily operations.  Long term forecasting.  Gaps in communication.  Gaps in follow through.  Wasteful practices.  Billing practices/What is being left on the table.  Client satisfaction.  Employee retention.

  • Module 2: Evaluation and strategies for improved efficiencies.
    • Starting at the from desk and finishing in the billing department.  Decreasing costs while increasing revenue. Looking at the numbers.  Creating useful data driven reports.

  • Module 3: Elimination of waste without compromising quality of care.
    • Staffing patterns. Overlap. Job descriptions and responsibilities.  Follow through communication and essential tasks.

  • Module 4: Creating positive culture change.
    • Top-down role modeling and messaging.  The importance of team buy-in.  The importance of stakeholder buy-in.

  • Module 5: Maximizing  productivity with positivity and without burnout.
    • Systems for rewarding productivity, commitment and quality services.  Checks and balances.

  • Module 6: The power of education and training.
    • Creating clear pathways for growth and learning for all.

  • Module 7: The value of enhancing accessibility and open communication for staff and clients.
    • Bottom-up messaging and commitment.

A Clinical Expert in Guiding Individuals and Communities To Resilience

Book A Speaker Engagement today

Successful Re-structuring of your Behavioral Health Clinic Operations