A Clinical Expert in Guiding Individuals and Communities To Resilience

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Office: (203)598-0552


Building a Community Resiliency Center

This workshop will introduce a recovery model that addresses the needs of an entire community following mass trauma and tragedy. Trauma informed strategies for assessment, engagement, program development, education and support with very diverse levels of need, through the lens of the lessons learned from the experience in Sandy Hook.


During this workshop Melissa Glaser will help your community devise a  plan that encompasses the needs of  your entire community that addresses the long-lasting effects of trauma and grief.

Workshop Details

This workshop offers a real world look at what it take to develop a successful model for response to address the impact on a community that has been devastated by large scale tragedy. Glaser will present the model developed by the Newtown Recovery and Resiliency Team. As the Team Coordinator, Glaser was instrumental at putting together a comprehensive body of work that successfully addressed the consequences of complicated trauma in this community.


This model is valuable for other professionals and community leaders and can serve as a roadmap to address future events. Glaser will talk about the recovery program providing tools and strategies for assessing needs, collecting data to inform future needs, creating a comprehensive care coordination system, developing a central triage site, creating educational programming, learning the best outcome orienting trauma treatment approaches, engaging leaders, developing specific programming for subsets in the community including First Responders and clinicians, and navigating through the trials and tribulations of a traumatized community.


With first-hand experience and a proven track record, presenter Melissa Glaser MS/LPC, a leader in the field of individual and community recovery shares a wealth of knowledge and the model for recovery and resiliency that she developed for the Sandy Hook CT community following the tragic school shooting.


With 30 years of clinical work and non-profit administration in behavioral health, Glaser is a widely recognized leader in the field of disaster response and trauma assessment recovery. Glaser is the author of Healing A Community: Lessons for Recovery After a Large-Scale Trauma, where she recounts her role as the coordinator of the Newtown Recovery and Resiliency Center following the tragedy that put the entire nation into a state of shock and grief.

Workshop Modules:

Module 1: Identifying affected Communities:

How to define your targeted community. Who is in need of assistance. How do you triage. What is your mission.

Module 2: Defining Trauma  & Complicated Grief:

A user friendly understanding of the elements of trauma and grief. How the brain is affected. How the body is affected. What happens to the central nervous system. How an individual’s perspective of the world is forever changed.

Module 3: The Team Approach to Recovery & Resiliency:

The elements of formulating a successful team. The clinical components to an R&R Team. Skills and roles of team members. Best practices in team management. Physical infrastructure. How to partner with the community.

Module 4: Comprehensive Care  Coordination:

Implementing a care coordination model for triage, treatment and follow-up. Establishing a trauma friendly protocol. The process; The forms; The data collection.

Module 5: The Politics of Recovery:

Working with a fractured community. Insight and awareness of what you are likely to encounter. Navigating the messy landscape of a devastated community. Including your leaders for successful outcomes.

Module 6: Following the Money:

Financial best practices. How to fund recovery programs. Defining your role in determining how funds are assessed and allocated.

Module 7: Therapies and Programs that Work:

Best practice treatment approaches. The need for a multi-layered approach to treatment. The importance of incorporating mind-body strategies and a holistic treatment system.

Module 8: Individualized vs. Large  Scale Programming:

Developing sustainable programs. Providing support and resources for every individual. Educational opportunities for the community to learn about trauma, therapy and wellness. Appropriate and effective programs for targeted groups. Partnering with key community organizations.

Module 9: The importance of Self- Care:

Understanding Vicarious trauma. How to address the needs of the recovery care-givers. Trauma Stewardship. Developing a plan for self-care.

Module 10: Addressing On-going Needs:

Making sense of the data. Reporting to key stakeholders. How to sustain and grow from what you have learned. How to assess for future needs.

A Clinical Expert in Guiding Individuals and Communities To Resilience

Book A Speaker Engagement today

Building a Community Resiliency Center